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Healing is good with Fibroheal dressing with less exudation from the donor site wound.
Fibroheal Ag Sprinkling powder wound dressing is good for chronic wounds.
Good amount of healing found with Fibroheal Ag Sprinkling powder wound dressing in chronic recurrent ulcers in faster period of time. Ease of application and handy product.
We have used Fibroheal products and found it quite useful on patients as it aids in faster wound healing and closure of wounds. The silk protein-based ointment and powder have shown very encouraging results in cavity wounds, venous ulcers, diabetic foot ulcers and any non-healing infected wounds.
We have used Fibroheal Ag powder, ointment and foam dressing and found very good results in diabetic foot ulcers. Malodor compared to other products was less. Fibroheal Ag ointment is very good for post fasciotomy wounds.
I have been using Fibroheal Ag sheet dressings for treating DFU in few of my patients and found very good improvement in healing rate. Overall a good product with satisfactory results.
Fibroheal products had shown better healing and granulation rate compared to other products like conventional dressing & silver-based products.